Is Amazon Associates Right for You? ❘ Amazon Affiliate Program for Beginners

Is the Amazon affiliate program worth it? Stick around because in this post, we’re going to dive into whether joining the Amazon associate program is a smart move for your blog or business.

You’ve got to pay close attention here because one of the things we’re discussing today could either make or break your success with Amazon affiliate marketing.

But before we get started, let me clarify a couple of things.

Although I have worked as a lawyer specializing in International and EU Law (LLB, LLM, PhD) for over 15 years and helped more than 30,000 bloggers and online entrepreneurs create their blog legal pages and policies with my plug-and-play legal templates, free legal templates, online courses, an affordable legal bundle for bloggers, and an affordable legal bundle for online business owners, this article is meant for informational and educational purposes only. 

It does not constitute legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. I will not be held liable for any damages or losses caused by acting or failing to act on the grounds of the content of this article. Should your circumstances require, I encourage you to seek legal advice through other avenues. Please read my full disclaimer for further information.

This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please see our full disclosure for further information. If not otherwise stated, all prices are intended in US$.

If you’re in a rush at the moment, don’t sweat it! You can always download this post as a PDF and come back to these tips on the Amazon Associates program for beginners later.


I totally understand your eagerness to start making money from your blog ASAP. And going with the most trusted and recognizable online shopping platform sounds like a solid choice, but you know, it’s not that simple. Let’s dig into it and explore the factors you need to consider. So, you can figure out where to put your efforts and start generating some well-deserved income from your blog.

Tip 1: Be Aware of the Downside

The first tip on how to decide whether the Amazon Associates Program is right for you is to be aware of the downside.

Yep, let’s start with some amazon Affiliate program cons. 

But what can be the downside to joining the most well-known and trusted marketplace on the internet? Everyone uses Amazon, and of course, everyone wants to be an affiliate for them. So what can be the cons?

You got it, didn’t you? Amazon doesn’t need you!

When it comes to Amazon’s affiliate program, technically, it’s not the most lucrative option out there. They offer some of the lowest commissions in the market, and those cookies expiring after just 24 hours can be a real drawback. But you see, it’s Amazon we’re talking about; they don’t necessarily need bloggers, influencers, or affiliates to spread the word.

Of course, we will talk more about Amazon’s low payout later in the post.

Also, Amazon has a minimum payout threshold, which means you need to accumulate a certain amount of earnings before receiving a payout. This plus the fact that Amazon has strict rules about how you can promote their products and violating these rules can result in account termination, could leave you with nothing. In fact, if your account gets terminated before you reach your threshold, you lose your earnings. 

Plus, Amazon can and has, in the past, made changes to its commission structure, which affected the income of many affiliates. So, you should be prepared for potential changes in the future. 

A person sitting at a desk with a laptop, looking thoughtful. Text overlay: "Amazon Affiliate Program for Beginners: Is it the Right Fit for Your Blog?" person sitting at a desk with a laptop, looking thoughtful. Text overlay: "Amazon Affiliate Program for Beginners: Is it the Right Fit for Your Blog?"

Tip 2: Consider Your Niche

The next tip I have for you when it comes to deciding if the Amazon affiliate program is right for you is to consider your niche. 

Unfortunately, Amazon’s low-earning structure doesn’t work well for every niche, especially for new bloggers.

So, if your niche allows you to promote a ton of Amazon products – like, say, for a lifestyle blog, a mommy blog, or an arts and crafts blog – then go for it.

However, if your niche doesn’t really have many Amazon-related products, like educational blogs for online entrepreneurs, Informational Blogs, Highly Specialized Technical Topics, News and Current Events and so on, it might be wiser to hold off and focus on other affiliate products first.

Take my situation, for instance. We don’t really promote many Amazon items. Our readers are mostly looking for plugins, apps, and online courses, and you won’t find those on Amazon. Sure, I could recommend a business book or put together a list of great gifts for bloggers, but that’s not the core of my business. 

So, I’m not saying never apply to Amazon, but consider it once your business’s foundation is solid.

Tip 3: Consider Your Audience

Moving on to the next tip, consider your audience. 

You know, Amazon is this massive online marketplace, and it’s exclusively online. 

There’s no physical store for your readers to walk into and check out products before they buy. 

And you might think that’s a downside, but guess what? It can actually work in your favor.

Here’s the twist – let’s say your blog caters to an older crowd, folks who aren’t exactly the biggest fans of online shopping. Amazon might just be the perfect affiliate program for you. I know, it sounds counterintuitive, but hear me out.

If you’re promoting products that your readers typically find at their local brick-and-mortar stores, like a Walmart, they might follow your recommendation but choose to make the purchase in person. While if your link sends them to Amazon they don’t have a choice, they need to buy online so your chance that they buy through your affiliate link grows.

Now, on the flip side, if your audience is filled with tech-savvy folks who are all about online shopping and practically live on Amazon, well, you might just hit the jackpot!

Picture this: You’re promoting a book, and someone clicks on your link to buy it through Amazon. But then, they remember they also need a new pair of shoes, or better yet, a brand-new computer. And guess what? You get a commission not just on that book, but on everything in their shopping cart. Yep, you heard me right – everything, even those products you didn’t promote.

It’s like an affiliate marketer’s dream come true. So, if your audience is all about the online shopping game, Amazon could work really well for you.

Another pro of the Amazon affiliate program is that they really know how to sell. Once you bring people to the platform Amazon will work for you by suggesting other products that could interest your readers, retargeting through ads and sending abandoned cart emails. 

Before I move on to the next tip, if you want to learn more about how to start a blog and make money blogging then make sure you click the image below because I have a free guide that will dive deeper into how to create your own blog and get you started. 

BNB Fast TrackBNB Fast Track

This guide will walk you through the blueprint I used to start my blog that turned into a multiple six-figure business, and comes with in-depth strategies, assignments, and tons of actionable tips, so you don’t want to miss out. You can check it out for free here.

Tip 4: Consider the Type of Products

Moving on to the next tip, consider the types of products that work well for your audience.

The choice of products that align with your niche is a crucial consideration when deciding whether the Amazon affiliate program is a good fit for you. It all comes down to what your audience is looking for and what you can effectively promote.

Now, if your niche happens to revolve around big-ticket items, that’s where Amazon can be a shining star. Let’s take my business as an example, if I shift my focus to blogger gear, focusing on essentials like computers, ergonomic chairs, and stylish desks – those are indeed significant purchases. In this case, Amazon’s affiliate links start to make a lot of sense.

The beauty of Amazon lies in its universal appeal. Almost everyone knows and trusts Amazon, and many folks regularly shop there. So, when you’re promoting those substantial items within your niche, you’re essentially tapping into a well-established brand and marketplace that your audience is already comfortable with.

This can work to your advantage in multiple ways. Firstly, it builds credibility because people are more likely to trust Amazon’s product recommendations. Secondly, the wide variety of products on Amazon means you can cater to different preferences within your niche. Whether your audience is looking for high-end gadgets or budget-friendly options, Amazon typically has it all.

So, if your niche naturally lends itself to promoting these kinds of big-ticket items, leveraging Amazon’s affiliate program can be a smart move. It’s all about aligning your content and the products you promote with what your audience is seeking, and in some cases, Amazon’s vast marketplace can be a valuable resource to make those connections.

Tip 5: Consider the Type of Blog Posts

The next tip on how to decide if Amazon affiliate marketing is right for you is to understand the kind of blog posts that truly resonate with your readers.

It’s all about understanding their needs, interests, and preferences. And you know what can be a real game-changer? “Best of” blog posts.

These types of posts have a special place in affiliate marketing because they help your audience make informed decisions. Whether it’s “The Best Gadgets for Tech Enthusiasts” or “Top 10 Budget-Friendly Home Decor Items,” these articles provide valuable recommendations and insights. They cater to a key aspect of the consumer journey – research.

When people are looking to buy something, they often start by searching for the “best” options. They want to know what’s highly rated, what others have had success with, and what’s considered the cream of the crop in their category. That’s where your “best of” blog posts shine. They’re like a curated selection of the top products, making the decision-making process easier for your readers.

And when you’ve got Amazon affiliate links sprinkled throughout these posts, it’s a win-win. Readers get the guidance they need, and if they click on your links and make purchases, you earn those affiliate commissions.

So, if your audience responds well to “best of” posts, this can be a fruitful path in your Amazon affiliate marketing journey. Tailoring your content to what your audience loves is a surefire way to make the Amazon affiliate program work in your favor.

And the best way to make this type of content work really well is by pairing it with the next tip.

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Tip 6: Consider How You Reach Your Audience

Back to the next tip, consider how you reach your audience

Now, how you bring people to your blog posts is another big thing to take into consideration. 

You see, it’s not just about slapping up some product reviews or “best of” blog posts on your website. The real magic happens when those posts show up at the top of Google’s search results.

So, if you’re promoting Amazon products, especially those lower-priced items, you’ll need a ton of people to click on your posts to make some serious commissions. Especially if you consider how low actual conversion rates are in affiliate marketing. Obviously, average conversion rates can vary widely depending on the niche, the quality of traffic, and the relevance of the products being promoted. But, a general benchmark to aim for is around 1%. 

1%. This means that for every 100 visitors who click on your affiliate link, you can expect one sale.

Plus, as we said, Amazon’s affiliate payouts are typically on the lower side, which means you need a higher volume of sales to see a significant return.

So, that’s where SEO comes into play. If you can skillfully optimize your blog posts for search engines and get them ranking on the first page of Google, you’re golden. More people find your content, click on your affiliate links, and potentially make purchases. It’s like a snowball effect – the more eyes on your posts, the more potential sales.

If you’re new to SEO, I’ve personally taken this SEO course and highly recommend it.

Tip 7: Consider What Channel You Sell Through

The next tip I have for you when it comes to deciding if Amazon Associates is right for you is to check what channel you sell through.

Amazon’s got some pretty specific rules when it comes to where you can place those affiliate links. They’re all about public access, so here’s the deal: you can totally pop your Amazon affiliate links on your website, in your blog posts, email newsletters, throw ’em in your social media updates, or even drop them in your YouTube descriptions.

But here’s the thing – you can’t share them in offline materials, PDFs, e-books, private Facebook groups, or on any other platform that’s not open to the general public. Amazon’s pretty strict about this; they want those links out in the open for everyone to see.

So, if most of your sales come from your Facebook Group community or your digital products, probably Amazon Associate isn’t the best affiliate program for you.

Of course, you can share links to your blog posts that have those Amazon affiliate links in your emails, Facebook groups, or PDFs. No problem there. But here’s the kicker – you’ve gotta keep an eye on that conversion rate.

See, this is what I was talking about at the start of the post. This is what can either make or break your success with Amazon affiliate marketing. If your audience mainly converts through channels that aren’t open to the general public, you might not see those big bucks rolling in from the Amazon affiliate program.

Now, if you think that all considered, the Amazon Affiliate program is indeed a good fit for your business, then you need to figure out when it’s the perfect time to jump on board. So read this post next where I break down everything you need to consider to pick the right time to apply for the Amazon Associates program and make those required three sales within the first 180 days.

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Is Amazon Associates Right for You? ❘ Amazon Affiliate Program for BeginnersIs Amazon Associates Right for You? ❘ Amazon Affiliate Program for Beginners


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