How Blogging Changed My Life ❘ Blogging Success Story

Is blogging worth it? If you are on the fence about starting a blog today I want to tell you my story: How blogging changed my life. 

If you’re stuck in a job you don’t like, spending your days chained to a desk, wasting your time commuting to work, or not making money online, you need to read this post.

But before we get started, let me clarify a couple of things.

Although I have worked as a lawyer specializing in International and EU Law (LLB, LLM, PhD) for over 15 years and helped more than 30,000 bloggers and online entrepreneurs create their blog legal pages and policies with my plug-and-play legal templates, free legal templates, online courses, an affordable legal bundle for bloggers, and an affordable legal bundle for online business owners, this article is meant for informational and educational purposes only. 

It does not constitute legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. I will not be held liable for any damages or losses caused by acting or failing to act on the grounds of the content of this article. Should your circumstances require, I encourage you to seek legal advice through other avenues. Please read my full disclaimer for further information.

This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please see our full disclosure for further information. If not otherwise stated, all prices are intended in US$.

If you’re in a rush at the moment, don’t sweat it! You can always download this post as a PDF and come back to this blogging success story later.


My Story

Before we dive in, let me set the record straight – if you’re expecting a rags-to-riches tale of overcoming poverty to become a millionaire through grit and struggle, that’s not what you’ll find here. I’m just an ordinary person who’s led a typical life and is now living out her dream.

When I started my blog, I was holding down a corporate job. It wasn’t terrible, I actually liked it, but it wasn’t my passion either.

Let’s rewind a bit. I come from a family of lawyers – everyone around me were a lawyer, judge, prosecutor or in a law-related gig. So, when it came time for me to pick a major in university, I followed suit and went for law.

Then I tried to make it a bit more fun for me so I specialized in international law, so I travelled, I lived in different countries, I passed the bar exam to become a lawyer, pursued a PhD, taught at the university, and eventually settled into my corporate role. Everyone was telling me I had an amazing job, an amazing career but despite doing well, there was always that itch for a creative outlet that I couldn’t scratch.

Then, came a tough time in my life. My family wanted to grow, but it just wasn’t happening. My husband and I were facing fertility issues, and I needed something to take my mind off it.

So, I started a blog. And it changed everything.

At first, the blog was just a hobby, something that made me happy. Even though I still had my regular job, I couldn’t wait to get home and work on the blog. It was my sister Marina, my sister in law, Emma and myself. We were all loving it. 

We were happy. We still had our jobs, but now, we were also doing something we were passionate about. It became a big part of our lives.

But then something happened that changed everything. Our blog started making money.

We were thrilled, no doubt, but also a bit surprised. Could it be that we could make a living just doing what we loved? It was early days, but that realization turned everything around.

Until then, I had always stuck to my field, picking the career I loved most from the options available. The idea of creating something entirely new for myself, something that could fulfill all my dreams, and even leave a legacy for my kid, hadn’t crossed my mind.

Things got real when people started asking how we made money with our first blog. It went beyond a hobby – it became a hope, the beginning of a dream.

Marina and I had a heart-to-heart. We loved the behind-the-scenes of blogging. I had a thing for teaching (with a background in it), and Marina was all about writing. So, we decided to kick off a new blog. A blog to guide new bloggers on how to start a blog and make money – and voila, Blogging for New Bloggers was born.

Then, a moment hit me, making it crystal clear that blogging was my true calling. I no longer wanted to work for someone else, juggle schedules, or make someone else rich with my efforts. I craved freedom, the chance to do what I genuinely loved.

And then: I got pregnant! Turns out, taking my mind off the fertility struggle worked like a charm. On maternity leave, I was living the dream – working on my blog and, of course, getting ready to welcome a baby. I tasted my dream life, and going back to the old routine wasn’t an option. So, after wrapping up things at my corporate job post-maternity leave, I quit! My dream life officially kicked off.

But what changed? How did blogging really transform my life? What did it offer that my corporate job couldn’t? Let me spill the beans.

But first if you want to learn more about how to start a blog and make money blogging then make sure you click the image below because I have a free guide that will dive deeper into how to create your own blog and get you started.

BNB Fast TrackBNB Fast Track

This guide will walk you through the blueprint I used to start my blog that turned into a multiple six-figure business, and comes with in-depth strategies, assignments, and tons of actionable tips, so you don’t want to miss out. You can check it out for FREE here.

Make An Impact

The first way that blogging changed my life is by unleashing my creativity and allowing me to make a positive impact.

With a blog, you’ve got this awesome space to share your thoughts and help others. My old job was cool, but now I get to help people change their lives, see real transformations happening. Even when I mess up, it’s cool because I can help new bloggers avoid the same mistakes and save them a bunch of time.

And here’s the best part – I get to decide what to talk about and what to work on. If you’ve ever worked for someone else, you know how frustrating it can be following their plan.

But this is not even the best part. I’ll tell you the change that I loved the most in a bit but now let’s talk about what can make the difference for lots of people.

Financial Independence

The next way blogging changed my life is that it makes me money. But the best part is there isn’t a cap on how much you can actually make.

While blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme and you won’t become a millionaire overnight, a blog has the potential to become a massive source of income. As you grow your audience and establish your online presence, you open doors to several revenue streams like sponsored posts, revenue from display ads, affiliate marketing, and even creating and selling your own products or services. 

Now, I won’t lie, my job was paying me quite well but I was already up on the ladder. There wasn’t much room for further growth. While with my blog, the sky’s the limit. Now, again, my dream is not to be a billionaire or something, I like things chill, with a comfy lifestyle, lots of vacation, and a good balance between work and life. 

Blogging made me financially independent, turning my passion into a money-making online gig. And the cool thing is, there’s so much more potential if I decide to go for it.

But one of the reasons, that I love having my own blog/business is that I am my own boss

So try and guess which is the next way that blogging changed my life.

A keyboard, notebook, and coffee cup with text: "Blogging Success Story - How blogging changed my life" A keyboard, notebook, and coffee cup with text: "Blogging Success Story - How blogging changed my life"

Be Your Own Boss

And you are correct!  Being my own boss. The next way starting a blog has changed my life is  that I am my own boss.

I decide when to work, what topics to talk about – I’m in control.

No more asking the boss for time off or feeling guilty about stepping away from my desk. With a blog, I have the freedom to manage my time however I want.

Just the other day, my daughter’s kindergarten had an event at 3 in the afternoon. In the middle of a workday, I didn’t need anyone’s permission to attend. I go to my hair appointment every Friday, I go for massages during the week.

Being your own boss means you get to balance your personal and professional life on your terms. You call the shots, and that’s pretty awesome.


Now onto my favorite way that blogging changed my life, blogging gave me flexibility and freedom.

Why confine yourself to a cubicle when you can work from anywhere in the world? Imagine trading your daily commute for a laptop on a tropical beach or a cozy corner of your favorite coffee shop.

With a blog, you have the flexibility to work on your terms, wherever and whenever you choose. Embrace the freedom to travel, explore, and still pursue your professional aspirations.

And this was the best part for me. 

First, I love having business meetings in Marina’s spa.  

Jokes aside. You may or may not know that I am Italian. I moved to Australia with my husband who’s Australian.
My family (apart from Marina) is still in Italy. I still have lots of friends there. When I was working at my corporate job I could go and visit, maybe once or twice a year? I could go and stay maybe one month? Everything needed to be arranged with my boss on how long and when I could take annual leave.

Right now, I can go whenever I want and stay as long as I want.

Plus, because we opted for a no hassle more chilled entrepreneurship I can work as much or as little as I like. 

Last summer my family and Marina’s family went there and stayed as long as we wanted. We even had the possibility to break up the journey (because 23 hours is no joke). And we could do that, all because of blogging. 

That’s the life I have always dreamed about. A life with no financial worries. A job that fulfills me but that can also work on autopilot allowing me to actually live my life.

Personal Growth

The next way that starting a blog has changed my life is by changing myself as a person.

Starting a blog turned out to be a game-changer for my personal growth. 

Blogging became a journey of self-discovery. From crafting engaging content to mastering the art of SEO and social media promotion, blogging pushed me to acquire different skills. It’s a crash course in digital marketing, design, writing, and entrepreneurship, making me a more versatile and skilled individual.

In essence, starting a blog wasn’t just about creating content; it was a transformative journey that nurtured my personal growth in ways I never anticipated. 

Legally Blogs 1Legally Blogs 1

Nothing To Lose, All To Gain

Moving on to the next reason, one of the great things about starting a blog is that you have nothing to lose. If you start a blog you can gain a lot from it but if you try and don’t like it you don’t have much to lose.

Hear me out.

To kick things off, you can start working on your blog while keeping the stability of your 9-to-5 job intact. This approach lets you test the waters in the blogging world without making a bold move like quitting your job immediately. During your free time, you can dedicate effort to developing your blog. As your blog gains momentum and begins to bring in income, you can take a closer look at your choices and decide whether a shift to full-time blogging aligns with your goals.

That’s exactly what I did. No crazy overnight job-quitting drama for me. I nurtured my blog slowly, all in my spare time. And let’s be real, spare time was a luxury—I had a newborn in the mix. So, it wasn’t this massive effort, considering the baby situation.

Plus, starting a blog is super budget-friendly compared to other business gigs. Seriously, you can kick it off with just a tiny investment. All you really need are two things: a domain name, that’s your website address and web hosting.

Basically, with minimal cash upfront, blogging lets you build a killer online business without making your bank account cry. Easy peasy!

But most importantly, It lets you leave a mark that sticks around.

With a blog, you’re putting your skills and creativity into something that’s 100% yours. Instead of adding to someone else’s success, you get to build your own personal brand. It’s like leaving a cool legacy for yourself and your family, and even setting up something awesome for generations down the line.

Imagine this: your kids might keep the blog going, or they could sell it and use the cash to dive into something they’re super into. It’s like planting a creativity seed that keeps on growing!

Whenever I put in the work on my blog, I’m not just clocking in for a monthly paycheck. It’s about growing something for me, for my family. That feeling? It’s the best. My efforts, along with Marina’s, are building something Violet and Alice can benefit from down the road.

Launching a blog has flipped my life in countless ways, and I can’t wrap my head around why more folks aren’t taking the plunge. If you’re thinking of a life change, dreaming of ditching that 9-5 grind, aiming to be your own boss with all the freedom in the world—then check out our free blogging course for beginners. It’s the key to making it all happen. Dive into something that’s yours, grab financial independence for yourself, and set the stage for a future where your kids can thrive.

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How Blogging Changed My Life ❘ Blogging Success StoryHow Blogging Changed My Life ❘ Blogging Success Story


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