How to Start a Blog in 2024 [Easy Step by Step for Beginners]

So you want to quit your 9 to 5? Great! You are in the right place! I did it! And my sister Marina did it too! How? We started a blog! 

BUT 90% of blogs fail in the first year. Will you make it? Yes, you will! Because today I’ll show you how to start a blog. Not a simple blog… a blog that makes money. 

Why am I so sure that you will make it? Because I am a six-figure blogger with 5 years in the blogging industry, and what you will learn today is what works. This is a “how to start a blog, step by step for beginners” guide, but even if you have already launched your blog you could have missed some of these so stay tuned.

If you’re eager to start a blog that can transform your life, just like it did for me and Marina, you’ve got two paths to choose from. First option, you can dive in, try, possibly stumble, but keep trying until you hit success.

The second option is to learn from someone who’s been there, done that – someone like me, who’s made all the mistakes in the blogging book but emerged stronger, now running a blog that pulls in multiple six figures.  And you will learn later in the post that I made the biggest mistake that a blogger can make.

Get a coffee and a notebook because today I  will go through all the steps you need to take to start a successful blog.

But before we get started, let me clarify a couple of things.

Although I have worked as a lawyer specializing in International and EU Law (LLB, LLM, PhD) for over 15 years and helped more than 30,000 bloggers and online entrepreneurs create their blog legal pages and policies with my plug-and-play legal templates, free legal templates, online courses, an affordable legal bundle for bloggers, and an affordable legal bundle for online business owners, this article is meant for informational and educational purposes only. 

It does not constitute legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. I will not be held liable for any damages or losses caused by acting or failing to act on the grounds of the content of this article. Should your circumstances require, I encourage you to seek legal advice through other avenues. Please read my full disclaimer for further information.

This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please see our full disclosure for further information. If not otherwise stated, all prices are intended in US$.

If you’re in a rush at the moment, don’t sweat it! You can always download this post as a PDF and come back to these tips on starting a blog to ditch your 9 to 5 later.


Now, listen, this post took me a lot of effort to make and I really want you to take action, So, after every step, I’ll guide you on what you should do right away.

If you are here, congratulations, you took the first step to a new life! But please, at the end of the post don’t just log off and forget all about it, take action. 

Ok, Take a breath – you don’t have to tackle everything today. Feel free to re-read this post as many times as you need. 

I ordered the steps in a kind of logical way but these don’t necessarily need to be followed in this exact sequence. What matters most is that you start.

Again, I put in a lot of effort to create this content, and my sincere wish is for you to take action, any action. If the urge to write strikes, even if you haven’t settled on a blog name yet, go for it. Begin wherever you feel compelled, just make that start! 

Let me know in the comments which step you’re planning to take first. Public commitment can be a powerful motivator!

And, hey, no excuses about blogging being passé, blaming ChatGPT, or insisting Google is too tricky. Absolutely not! There are millions of thriving blogs out there. And, after today, there will be one more successful blog in the mix: your blog!

Let’s go!

No Hustle Mentality

The first step to take to start your blog is to understand that blogging is not hard, but it’s not super quick. Blogging is not an overnight success. It takes time. It’s a bit like nurturing a plant – it takes time for it to grow, develop deep roots, and bloom. Blogging is not one of those false promises of changing your life by making quick money online. They don’t exist. 

Blogging is not a side hustle. You can start it as a little business on the side of your 9 to 5 but if you really believe in it, it will grow, it will bloom into your primary income and it will actually change your life. Side hustles don’t change life. 

I am not saying you need to put in lots of hard work, actually I am against the hustle mentality. But you need to believe in it and take care of it as if it is the most precious plant you have ever owned.

Now, as I said at the beginning, I’ll tell you what you need to do right now: make a plan. write down what time of the day/week/month you will dedicate to your blog, to building your new life. You don’t need to use all your spare time on your blog (I didn’t) but you need to plan. As they say, failing to plan is planning to fail.

Learn From Tubetorial

The second step to start your blog today is to Learn from Tubetorial. Who??? I know, you probably have never heard about it. But what if I tell you “Copyblogger”? Yep,  Brian Clark, the founder of Copyblogger, initially had an unsuccessful blog called “Tubetorial.” However, he didn’t give up. He learned from his experience and went on to create Copyblogger, which became a huge success in the field of online marketing. 

So, what you need to do right now: Get ready. You will make mistakes, you will feel discouraged, you will feel overwhelmed. but right now, if you really want to change your life, make a promise to yourself: you won’t quit.

Find Your Unfair Advantage 

The next step is to identify your unique advantage. This is that special something, whether big or small, that you possess but others can’t easily replicate. I’ve leveraged this multiple times in growing my blogs. If you can pinpoint and utilize your advantage from the start, it can propel your blog to significant success.

Let me break it down for you.

The very first blog I launched (and it’s still going strong) was all about relationship advice. Why? Because giving relationship advice was my thing. Growing up, everyone turned to me for insights in that department. So, when I decided to start a blog, I asked myself what I was genuinely good at, and boom, a blog about relationships was born. It worked out well, and it’s still thriving. You see, I tapped into my unfair advantage – something not everyone could easily replicate.

When I kicked off Blogging for New Bloggers, I had another unfair advantage. Having made money quickly with my first blog, people were curious about my success and wanted to learn the ropes.

But, the prime example of leveraging my unfair advantage happened when the GDPR was all the rage. Bloggers (and even non-bloggers) were in a frenzy. Without a legal background, it was a tough puzzle for many to decipher. Even if they hired a regular lawyer, blogging intricacies were often lost on them. But that was my golden ticket! Surprise, surprise – I hold a PhD in International and EU law, I’m a lawyer and I’m a blogger! So, I embarked on my journey into blogging legally.

Now, I’m not suggesting you need a PhD to be a blogger, but finding your unfair advantage is key to aiming for success. These advantages can stem from your personality, experiences, knowledge, credentials, and more. The catch is, it has to be something not easily replicated by others.

Maybe you live in a city everyone dreams of visiting, perhaps you’re an expat with insights for others making a similar move, or you’ve mastered a language all on your own. It could really be anything.

For example, Ali Abdaal started as a medical student and later a doctor in the UK. His “unfair advantage” could be seen as his unique position at the intersection of medicine and content creation. Ali started out by creating YouTube videos to help medical students study more effectively. He didn’t just focus on the academic side but also shared personal productivity tips, life as a medical student, and later, insights into his life as a doctor.

Pat Flynn’s journey started when he got laid off from his job as an architect during the 2008 recession. His initial success online came from selling a study guide he created for an architecture exam.

So what do you need to do now? Look for your unfair advantage. What is it? Write it down. You could have more than one.

Before I move on to the next step, if you want to learn more about how to start a blog and make money blogging then make sure you click the image below because I have a free guide that will dive deeper into how to create your own blog and get you started.

BNB Fast TrackBNB Fast Track

This guide will walk you through the blueprint I used to start my blog that turned into a multiple six-figure business, and comes with in-depth strategies, assignments, and tons of actionable tips, so you don’t want to miss out. Check it out for free here.

Choose Your Way

Moving on to the next step, figure out what kind of blog you want. It’s a bit like choosing your niche, but with a unique twist. Let’s dive into why.

Before you even ponder your niche, it’s essential to grasp what you want from your blog. Are you aiming for financial success? Do you want a more relaxed lifestyle? Are you looking to attract clients for your business? Is your goal to say goodbye to your 9 to 5? Or maybe you want to spend more quality time with your family? There are countless reasons, and you need to pinpoint yours before delving into niche selection.

Your desired end result will play a vital role in determining your niche.

If your goal is to make a substantial income, a blog heavily focused on high-end affiliate marketing might be the route for you. For a more laid-back lifestyle, consider blogging about what you genuinely love. Want to use your blog to attract clients? Then blog about what you do. The list goes on.

Don’t get me wrong; certain aspects can and should coexist to create a successful blog. However, you need to start by understanding how your blog can serve you because if your energy is not in alignment it won’t work.  Following that, figure out how you can best serve your audience.

Pick your niche

The next step when it comes to starting a blog the right way is to pick your niche.

Start by jotting down your interests, skills, and passions. Remember, blogging isn’t just about making money; it’s about creating content you’re passionate about while also considering its potential to attract traffic and be monetized.

Look for a balance between your interests and what your audience is willing to spend money on. Identify a problem people are facing that aligns with your knowledge, and find a solution they’re willing to pay for. 

Next, conduct market research to find a niche that’s popular yet not oversaturated. Utilize tools like Google Trends and keyword search tools to gauge interest and competition levels. You may also find this post, all about how to pick the perfect niche, helpful.

Explore social media, join relevant online communities, and observe the discussions to validate demand and gather content ideas.

Understanding the profitability of your niche is also essential. So, research affiliate networks and ad networks to see if there are monetization opportunities. You can also check websites selling blogs to understand the financial potential of niches. 

Narrow down your broad niche to something more specific, and find your unique angle by combining different interests, skills, and your unfair advantage. 

Maybe you’re into both fashion and sustainability. Why not start a blog about eco-friendly fashion? Or maybe you’re a tech geek who loves cooking. How about a blog that reviews smart kitchen gadgets? Combining interests can result in a niche that’s not just unique but also authentic. 

In my case, I’m a blogger but I’m also a lawyer so part of my content is about blogging legally. 

And don’t be afraid to narrow your niche down. As they say, the riches are in the niches. The more specific your topic is, the more targeted and engaged your audience will be, and the easier it will be for search engines like Google or social networks like Instagram, TikTok, or Youtube to understand what your blog is about and show it to the right audience. 

At the same time though, you don’t want to narrow it down too much, or else you won’t be able to target enough readers, you may run out of ideas on what to write about, or you won’t have much room to go if you want to expand your content to other related topics.

Pick your blog name

On to the next step, choose your blog’s name.

It’s an exciting task, but you’ll need to roll up your sleeves and do some research. Let me share a story about my first blog, the one about relationships I mentioned earlier. I named it “TinyLoveBug” after my dog, Tiny, with a romantic touch.

I did a thorough legal check (yes, lawyer here) to ensure I wasn’t infringing on any copyrights. I verified that the domain name was available, and I even made sure all the social media handles were up for grabs. Feeling proud, I launched my blog.

However, when I Googled it, disaster struck! It was buried on Google’s page 14, lost among baby websites, Etsy shops, and even a German blog with the same name. Being Italian, little did I know that in English, “tiny love bug” is a cute term some parents use for their babies. Thanks to SEO strategies, my old blog now tops the Google search results for “tinylovebug.” However, its name might still sound misleading to some people.

Moral of the story: run thorough searches, including checking for different meanings your blog name might have.

My suggestion is to choose a name related to your niche but one that allows room for expansion.

So, stay on topic. If your blog is about healthy eating, a name like “HealthyEats” instantly conveys your focus. But avoid being overly specific to allow room for growth and diversification.

Also, incorporating relevant keywords into your blog name can boost your search engine visibility. For example, “TastyKitchenRecipes” signals to search engines and readers alike that your blog is about recipes. But beware of exact-match domain names; they require high-quality content to avoid penalties from search engines.

You will also want to tailor your blog name to resonate with your target audience. For example, a professional audience might prefer a straightforward name, while a younger crowd might appreciate something fun and creative. It’s about speaking their language and making them feel at home.

Unleash your creativity to brainstorm names. Personal names can add a unique touch if building a personal brand. 

Play with words, use a thesaurus, and consider rhymes or alliterations. But keep in mind that simplicity is key. A simple, memorable name is ideal. It should be easy to spell, pronounce, and remember. Avoid complicated or lengthy names, and consider the longevity and relevance of your chosen name. Avoid using numbers, symbols, acronyms, hyphens, made-up words, hard-to-pronounce terms, or words with double letters, as these can lead to typos and confusion.

Next tip, check the legalities. Make sure your blog name doesn’t infringe on existing trademarks. You can start by searching trademark databases, both at the national and international levels. In the United States, you can use the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) online database.

In other countries, there are similar resources. This will help you determine if anyone has already registered the name as a trademark in your jurisdiction. If you find a registered trademark with a name similar to your chosen blog name, just steer clear. 

Align your domain name with your blog for brand consistency. You should have your own domain like This is way more professional than using a subdomain on one of those free platform domains like or Also, aim for a “.com” extension and check availability.

You can use domain registrars like GoDaddy, Namecheap, or Google Domains to search for domain availability. They have search tools where you can enter your desired domain name, and they’ll tell you if it’s available. Consider using services like Bluehost for domain registration and hosting, often offering a free domain.

Before settling on a name, check the availability of your chosen name and domain as social media handles. It’s essential to maintain consistency across all platforms.

What to do right now: Your blog name is a significant part of your brand identity. Take your time, consider these tips, and jot down a list of potential names. For more detailed strategies and tips, read this post that breaks down how to choose your blog name.

Close-up of hands typing on a laptop keyboard, with text overlay "How to Start a Blog: Easy Step by Step for Beginners"Close-up of hands typing on a laptop keyboard, with text overlay "How to Start a Blog: Easy Step by Step for Beginners"

Start on self-hosted WordPress

Now, let’s dive into the next crucial step, one that I’ve failed.

Remember when I mentioned making the worst mistake as a new blogger? Well, I didn’t start with self-hosted WordPress. Instead, I opted for Squarespace. While Squarespace is not a bad platform, it’s not self-hosted WordPress.

Here’s the key insight: Every successful blog has one thing in common – they’re all on self-hosted WordPress. You might be tempted to try other platforms, but they come with limitations. Limited customization, basic themes, and a lack of custom plugins can hinder your blog’s potential. Monetization options are also restricted.

With free platforms, you don’t truly own your blog. Yes, you have the copyright to your content, but you don’t own your website. On the flip side, going self-hosted gives you more control, customization, and opportunities to optimize your website for success – be it in organic traffic, monetization, affiliate marketing, brand deals, and more.

It’s much better to start with a self-hosted WordPress site right away to avoid the hassle of migrating later, which can lead to lost traffic, comments, shares, rankings, domain authority and having to remake your whole website again. 

So, as tempting as it can be to start on a free platform or a done-for-you platform, please please stay clear of, Blogger, Wix, Squarespare, and anything that it’s not self-hosted WordPress.

This is not negotiable. It doesn’t need to be expensive and in the next step I’ll give you some tips to pick a very affordable host. But before we move on to the next step, I want to clarify a couple of things that often cause confusion especially new bloggers.

First, the difference between self-hosted WordPress and 

While is what you want to use in combination with your web host to go self-hosted, is a blogging platform where you can host your blog for free but comes with with several limitations. 

The source of confusion often stems from the fact that offers paid plans like Premium, Business, and VIP. While these plans do allow some level of monetization, they come at a high cost and still come with limitations that might not align with your full monetization goals.

Besides the fact that you can’t fully monetize your blog on, you also can’t install plugins or use Google Analytics unless you’re on the Business plan, which costs a whopping $299 a year – and honestly, that’s pretty steep and not usually worth it for most bloggers.

So make sure you’re on self-hosted WordPress and don’t pay for

The second point to clarify for new bloggers is that purchasing your own domain is not the same as being self-hosted. Let me explain, blogs on will initially have web addresses like If you decide to buy a custom domain, such as, while staying on, it’s essential to understand that this doesn’t equate to being self-hosted.

In this case, you’ve merely acquired a custom domain, but all the limitations mentioned earlier, in terms of customization and monetization, will still be in effect.

Pick an Affordable Web Host for Your Blog

Next step, choose the right host for YOU.

Picture this: you’ve heard some web hosts are fantastic, while others not so much. However, they come at different price points. So, the question isn’t which is the best host overall, but which is the best host for YOU.

Currently, I’m on the GoGeek plan with SiteGround, a fantastic service with features that I find useful at THIS stage in my blogging journey. But, here’s the catch – the GoGeek plan offers advanced features that most new bloggers don’t need, and it comes at a higher price point. I recently shelled out over $1,400 on renewal fees.

Please, avoid spending money you don’t need to spend yet. You’ll need it for more important things, as you’ll see later. Right now, what you need is to go self-hosted. That’s why I recommend Bluehost for those new to blogging. It provides essential features to get started, is budget-friendly, and user-friendly. As you grow and your needs evolve, you can always upgrade or switch to a hosting service with more advanced features.

Changing your web host is WAY easier than changing your blogging platform altogether. If you start on a free platform and later decide to move to a self-hosted WordPress site, the migration process can be complicated. You’ll have to deal with exporting and importing your content, and there’s a good chance you’ll face formatting issues, broken links, and even potential SEO setbacks.

What to do right now: Check out Bluehost, and start your blog. It’ll kick off with self-hosted WordPress with just a click. If you want to know more about the pros and cons of using Bluehost, read this post next.

Free copyright notice template bannerFree copyright notice template banner

Create a house for your blog

The next step to starting a blog is to customize your website and make it yours.

Firstly you need to choose your theme. Imagine your blog as a house, and think of the theme as both the architect and interior designer and decorator. Thoughtfully designed themes contribute to a positive user experience, making your blog enjoyable and easy to navigate. 

And, of course, the overall user experience is the ultimate goal. It’s about creating an online space that, much like a well-decorated home, is inviting, comfortable, and memorable for your visitors.

But how to choose your theme? First of all, consider the main purpose of your blog. Is it a personal blog, a professional portfolio, a business blog, or a blog for an e-commerce site? 

Different themes are designed for different purposes, so knowing your blog’s focus will help narrow down your options.

Then, you need to think about the type of content you will be publishing. If your blog focuses on images, choose a theme that emphasizes visual elements. If your content is text-heavy, prioritize readability and a clean layout.

Also , look for a theme that offers a good balance between customization options and ease of use. A flexible theme allows you to personalize your blog to match your brand or personal style.

Now for the more practical stuff you will need to check 

One – Make sure that the theme is mobile-responsive. A huge chunk of users will access your website on their phones, and mobile devices, it’s crucial that your blog looks good and well well on smartphones and tablets. This is also important for SEO. If your website is not mobile responsive it won’t rank on Google. 

Two – Loading Speed: A slow-loading website can negatively impact user experience and SEO. Choose a theme that is optimized for speed. Many themes come with performance features, and you can further optimize your site with caching plugins and image optimization tools.

Three – Browser Compatibility: Make sure that the theme is compatible with several web browsers. Your audience may be using different browsers, so it’s important that your blog looks and works consistently across all of them.

Four – Consider SEO: A theme that is built with SEO in mind can give your blog a head start in search engine rankings. Look for themes that are coded cleanly and follow best practices for SEO.

Choose a theme from a reputable developer or theme marketplace that provides regular updates and good support. This is important for security reasons and to ensure compatibility with future versions of your blogging platform.

If you’re on a tight budget, there are many excellent free themes available. However, if you have the means, investing in a premium theme can provide additional features, support, and a unique design.

I always invested in a premium theme for all my websites. My favourite themes are Bluchic but you can check out this post for some other great options for different tastes.

Make Your Blog ADA Compliant

The next step you need to take is to make your blog welcoming for everyone. Make sure it’s ADA compliant – this means following rules so that people with disabilities can easily use your site. If you want your blog to be for everyone, ADA compliance is important.

Even though not all businesses have to follow ADA rules, it’s a good idea because it helps everyone. It makes your site easy to use, reaches more people, and helps with SEO. Being ADA compliant shows you care about all your users – no matter their abilities.

Making your blog ADA compliant opens it up to more people. About 15% of people have a disability, and over 50 million in the U.S. need ADA-compliant websites. So, if your blog isn’t ADA compliant, millions of people can’t use it. Many blogs forget about this, so making yours ADA compliant can be more inclusive and have a greater reach that others miss.

But there’s more! Making your blog ADA compliant also helps people without disabilities. Think about busy moms, workers on breaks, or people on public transport. Your captions let them watch videos quietly and learn something new while doing other things.

For example, busy moms can watch your videos without turning up the volume while nursing their babies. Workers on breaks or people on public transport can enjoy your content quietly. Besides, a lot of people watch videos on their phones with the sound off.

ADA compliance also includes things like alt text for images, video transcripts, and audio accessibility. Doing these things not only helps people with disabilities but also makes your site better for search engines. It’s a win-win for your visitors and your website’s performance.

In short, making your blog ADA compliant makes it easy for everyone to use, brings in more readers, and improves how your site shows up in search engines.

If you need help making your blog ADA compliant you can check out my ADA Compliance Checklist and Accessibility Statement Template specifically designed for bloggers.

Create your blog’s essential pages

The next step to starting your blog is to set up some key pages. 

Let’s explore the types of pages you should include on your blog, aside from the legal ones that we’ll discuss later.

The first and most important one is the homepage. Creating an engaging home page for your blog is crucial as it’s often the first impression visitors have of your site. 

Your homepage should include a catchy headline that clearly communicates your blog’s purpose or unique value proposition, briefly outlining who you are and what readers can expect from your blog.

Use a conversational tone to make it relatable and engaging. Incorporate visually appealing images or graphics that resonate with your blog’s theme. Include clear, easy-to-navigate sections or links to your most popular or recent posts, encouraging visitors to explore further. And don’t forget a call-to-action, inviting readers to subscribe to your newsletter, get your freebie or check out your products or services. 

The next page you must have on your blog is an About Me/About Us page. Here you spill the beans about yourself! Share your story, why your blog exists, And most importantly tell them how you can help your readers. What’s in it for them? Give them the transformation and then tell them how you will help them reach that point.

Toss in some personal or professional tidbits to connect with your audience.

The next page is a Contact page to make it easy for people to reach you. This page is useful both to connect with your readers but also for collaborations with brands and other bloggers. Drop that email, social media handles, and a contact form. And hey, if you’re not glued to your inbox 24/7, give them a heads up on when you usually respond.

Next, help your readers navigate through your content through a Categories/Topics page. Group your posts into neat categories or topics so they can find what they’re looking for without going on a treasure hunt.

Don’t forget to keep it simple. A clear menu is like a roadmap for your blog. Link to the important stuff so your readers can easily explore.

Another good one to have is a Resources/Tools page. Throw in your favorite tools, books, or resources related to your blog’s topic. 

A FAQs page is a time saver for you and your readers. So, answer the questions they’re likely to have.

But while you are writing your pages, please, think SEO. You need to SEO your whole blog, not only your blog posts. And we will cover this in greater detail because it is really, really important.

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Invest in SEO

The next step when it comes to starting a blog is to plan how to bring people to your blog. Yep, if you want to make money with your blog, you need page views. You need people to come to your blog and the best way to reach your goal is to make your blog optimized for SEO.

Firstly, once you have done the work, it will be completely passive. Your blog is there for everyone interested in it to be found. With social media or other ways to bring people to your blog you need to actively work for it. Plus, if someone lands on your blog from a search engine, you can be sure they are interested in it. They searched for it! They definitely want it. 

Let me explain it this way…

Think of your blog as a cozy bookstore in a bustling city. Now, imagine SEO as the magical signage that directs avid readers straight to your door, while social media is like handing out flyers on a busy street corner.

With SEO, it’s like having a well-crafted map that guides people who are actively searching for the kind of books you offer. They come in, knowing exactly what they want, and are more likely to stick around because they’ve found a place that meets their specific interests.

On the other hand, social media is more like engaging with people on the street, hoping they’ll notice your flyer and decide to drop by. It’s a bit like a spontaneous adventure; some might pop in out of curiosity, but they may not have the same level of intent or specific interest in what your bookstore (or blog) has to offer.

SEO brings in visitors who are already interested in the topics you cover, like readers actively seeking out a particular genre of books. It’s like having a beacon that attracts those genuinely interested in what your blog has to offer, resulting in a more engaged and invested audience.

Social media, while great for spreading the word and creating a buzz, might attract a mix of people with varying interests, and the challenge lies in converting them into dedicated readers.

Can you see how important optimizing your entire website for search engines is?

If I didn’t learn SEO probably my first blog would still be barred on the 14th page of Google results.

So, invest in a good SEO course. Yep, I am telling you, invest the money that you haven’t made yet. SEO is too important to leave it for later or to try to learn it through free advice. You can have the best blog ever but if nobody sees it… nobody sees it. This is the SEO course I’ve taken and recommend.

Make Sure You Blog Legally

The next step to take before launching your blog is to comply with legal requirements. As in everything in life, you need to follow the law. 

As a blogger, you need to comply with several laws and regulations that oversee online activities. By ensuring compliance, you avoid legal trouble and protect yourself from potential fines, lawsuits, and headaches.

You must have four legal pages on your blog to blog legally and protect yourself legally. Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Disclosure and Disclaimers. 

So you would need to invest a bit of money now to potentially save a lot later.

It only takes one unhappy user to get you in trouble.

Imagine getting hit with a fine for a few thousand dollars when you’re just starting out. That could seriously set you back and even force you to shut down your blog. 

But it’s not only that. Having your legals in order can actually make you money.

So besides the peace of mind of being legally protected, having all your legal ducks in a row makes you look legit and trustworthy in the eyes of clients, potential affiliates, and partners.

By complying with legal requirements, you’re paving the way for additional revenue streams.

Many monetization opportunities, such as affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and advertising networks, require compliance with specific legal requirements as a prerequisite for joining. Without the necessary legal pages and disclosures, you may be ineligible to participate in such programs, limiting your revenue potential.

For example, one of the top reasons new bloggers get rejected when they apply for Google Adsense is because they don’t have a privacy policy on their website. And the same goes for other ad networks. Don’t let that happen to you! 

Plus, you need to protect your hard work. You really want to make it hard for others to steal your work. Download my free copyright template here. You can use this copyright notice time and time again for anything you create, your blog, your freebies, your digital products, courses, ebooks, printables, and more.

What to do right now: Protect your blog legally. NOW. Not tomorrow, tomorrow could be too late. Check out my best selling Legal Bundle Value Pack here. It comes with everything you need to protect your blog legally before you launch.

Legal Bundle Value Pack 1Legal Bundle Value Pack 1

Grow your email list

The next step is planning how to connect with your audience on a more personal level. Building a relationship with your audience is key.

I understand you might not have an audience yet, but now is the perfect time to start building it. You can start building it on social media but the best way is by starting an email list. Don’t procrastinate on this. It’s one of the most vital things for the growth of your blog and, well, your bank account!

Joke aside, you’ve probably heard the saying, “The money is in the list.” It’s absolutely true. A big chunk of my income comes from my newsletter. People are more likely to buy through your emails, because once they’re on your newsletter, they get to know you, trust you, and are genuinely interested in hearing from you, learning from you, and following your suggestions.

Additionally, you’re actively listening to their feedback and fostering two-way communication. As your relationship with your readers strengthens, so does their trust in you and your brand. This trust, in turn, increases the likelihood of them making purchases from you or recommending your products/services to others.

But since the goal is to build a meaningful relationship with your subscribers, you don’t want just anyone on your list. Focus on people who can genuinely benefit from your expertise. So, resist the temptation to include family and friends just to boost your numbers. If you’re offering a freebie to encourage subscriptions, make sure it’s closely aligned with your blog’s content and provides value to those genuinely interested in your niche. Remember, you’re aiming for raving fans, not just numbers.

What to do right now: Sign up for a FREE plan on ConvertKit or MailerLite. At this stage, both options work well, and you don’t need to spend money. If you have the time, create a freebie. If not, don’t stress about it for now. But, it’s crucial to integrate an opt-in form on every page of your blog to start collecting those email addresses. Your subscribers are the best audience to serve.

Have a writing strategy

The next step in creating your blog is to start writing! Yay, finally the fun bit, hahaha!

But wait, do not write anything that comes to mind. Have a strategy. Start by thinking about why you started your blog – maybe to share something cool or help others.

Oh please, please, Don’t worry if your writing isn’t perfect at first; you’ll get better with practice. Right now, focus on creating content that helps your readers and solves their problems.

Write posts that connect with your audience, addressing what matters to them. If you provide value, they’ll keep coming back for more. But here’s the key – be consistent and have a plan. Don’t just write randomly; be strategic. Make a list of blog posts that fit together. Your aim is to grab your readers’ attention from the start and keep them interested.

For example, if your blog is about fitness, don’t jump from losing weight to gaining muscle in one go. Readers looking to shed pounds might not be interested in building muscle right away. Start with a main post, like “How to Lose Weight,” and follow up with related ones, like “5 Exercises to Lose Belly Fat” or “Best Apps to Track Your Macros and Lose Weight.” This way, they’ll naturally go from one post to the next.

Mix up your blog content. Imagine it like a recipe with different ingredients. Add posts that share useful information (they bring in more readers), posts about great products (they can help you earn money), and posts that include statistics or infographics (they get other bloggers to notice you). Write a mix of these because you’ll need them all on your blogging journey.

What to do right now: Make a content calendar. Brainstorm 10 blog post topics that can interlink between them and write a mix of different kinds of blog posts.

Monetize your blog

Moving on to the next step, start creating your monetization channels.

You will hear people saying, do not try to monetize your blog from the start. I think this is one of the worst pieces of blogging advice I have ever heard.

I made money in my first-month of blogging. Do you know why? Because I had affiliate links on my blog. If they weren’t there I couldn’t have earned a cent. So, start planning for monetization right now.

Firstly, if you’re prepared, anything can happen. If you’re not, you can be sure you won’t make any money. It’s akin to expecting to win the lottery without buying a ticket.

Secondly, by initiating some form of monetization from the beginning, your audience will become accustomed to it. They won’t be taken by surprise when they encounter ads, affiliate links, or offers for products/services in the future.

Thirdly, and maybe most importantly, when you share your best tools, books, courses, services, and more, you’re genuinely helping your readers. You can’t imagine how many times I read something, even a recipe, actually, let’s use a recipe as an example. So I’m following a recipe, and the instructions include some exotic ingredients I’ve never seen before. I want them, I need them for the recipe, but I have no clue where to find them. So, I look for a link in the blog post or in the recipe card. If the link is there, you’re helping me. If it’s not there, you’re making my life more challenging. Now I will have to google this obscure ingredient and I’ll probably get lost in Google rabbit hole and I might not return to your blog.

And even if I don’t get distracted or lost, I might still not come back to your blog because I’m afraid I’ll encounter more unfamiliar ingredients without guidance.

You get the point. If you want to be genuinely helpful, please assist – don’t make my life harder.

What to do right now: read this post next to learn how bloggers actually make money, choose what works best for you and start right now!

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