How To Get 1,00,000 Pageviews From Pinterest – Shemeansblogging

How to get 1,00,000 pageviews from Pinterest? Is this even possible?

The short answer is ‘yes’. In this post, you will learn exactly how to drive traffic to your blog from Pinterest.

Undoubtedly, Pinterest is one of the biggest sources of traffic. If you blog in some of the popular niches then you can easily get more than 1,00,000 views from Pinterest.

One viral pin can get you more than 1500+ daily clicks to your blog. Just one pin. Imagine? If you have enormous number of blog posts on your website then chances are high. Of course, you must follow a Pinterest strategy to be successful on Pinterest.

woman working on laptop. Bloggers. Pinterestwoman working on laptop. Bloggers. Pinterest

How To Get 1,00,000 Pageviews From Pinterest

Pinterest is amazing for website traffic. It works magically if you know what you are doing.

That is why I have invited Ling from PinSavvyPanda to share her expert advice with us. She shares tips that have helped her gain more than 1,00,000 views from Pinterest. She gets huge traffic from Pinterest and makes money on Pinterest. And, she knows what she’s doing.

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Hey, Ling! Tell us about you. How did you get started online? What’s your blog/business about?

Hello! I’m Ling and I’m the blogger behind Finsavvy Panda, a personal finance blog about saving and earning extra money. I also expanded into teaching beginners how to start a blog and make money by using Pinterest.

In addition to providing personal finance tips, I help bloggers and businesses get more followers and increase their traffic with the power of Pinterest.

I also created a super in-depth Pinterest guide called The Golden Compass To Pinterest Traffic, which has been really helpful for both beginners and experienced online bloggers to increase and get a consistent steady flow of traffic from Pinterest.

Blog Traffic is a hot topic. What were your struggles when you were trying to grow your blog?

Oh yes, traffic is always a common struggle no matter how new or seasoned you are!

After several years of blogging, I realized that you’ll get more traffic when you do the following things:

  • Choose a profitable niche that you think you can stick with
  • Do keyword research to see what people are searching for
  • Write to a very specific audience and try to solve a specific problem (rather than just writing about random topics)
  • Stay up to date with the latest trends and changes in your niche so that you can keep creating content that people are interested in
  • Be consistent with publishing new posts on your website in addition to pinning your fresh and already existing content on Pinterest.

In terms of struggles, the one thing I can think of is being at the mercy of algorithms. This is something that so many people struggle with since it’s not always clear how or what the algorithms are looking at when they rank content.

One day, Pinterest and/or Google will shower you with love, and the next day, you could get hit for no reason despite following all their best practices.

However, the best way to fight any temporary drops is to continue doing what you normally do, which is to focus on creating high-quality content on a consistent basis, networking with other bloggers, and engaging with your audience and/or e-mail list.

Do you have a blog? Blogging is now a full-time online career for making money online. Click here to get started and follow all steps to start a blog from scratch. More than 100+ bloggers have started their blogs using this exact guide. You can start a blog too! Follow this step by step guide for beginners.

Let’s talk about Pageviews! How do you get more than 100,000 views to your website? Please tell us and explain in detail. 

You’ll always hear the same story like the following:

  • “Oh, write epic, high-quality, and meaningful content”
  • “Quality is always better than quantity”
  • “Make pretty pins that stand out”
  • “Make sure your headlines are catchy so people click on them”

Yeah, this is all common advice that is true to some degree but I know we get sick and tired of hearing it.

After doing this for several years, the one thing I began to notice was that Pinterest would send me more traffic as long as I was consistent with publishing content for their platform.

Aside from consistency, there are many other factors that help with driving more traffic to your site like doing proper keyword research, targeting a very specific audience, engaging with your readers, and focusing on what’s trending in your niche.

I can’t emphasize this enough but one of the best things you can do to get more traffic is to simply be consistent with publishing new content regularly. 

You can’t just blog one day and become MIA for the next several months. You have to show up and be present on a regular basis if you want Pinterest to get your content in front of people. This applies to Google as well.

Think about it this way. If you were an employee at work, your boss is going to give a promotion to the person who comes in every day, on time, and gets the work done versus someone who only works 1 day a week or is always late for work. 

In the same way, you’ll get rewarded by Google and/or Pinterest when you show up consistently and do the work, which is publishing quality content for their users.

This advice may sound pretty basic and simple, but I am not joking when I say consistency is key to driving traffic to your website!

How many months/years it took you to hit a milestone of 100000 views on your blog?

To give you a better perspective and a timeline, I was getting around 15,000 monthly pageviews with Finsavvy Panda around my 6th month of blogging. By my 8th month, my blog’s monthly pageviews increased to 30,000 or even 40,000 pageviews.

Not too long after, by month 12, Finsavvy Panda hit its first 100,000 monthly pageviews.

My lifestyle blog, a second blog that I started to diversify my online income, also took about 11 to 12 months for it to reach over 100,000 monthly pageviews.

You can also learn how long it really takes on average for a new blogger to get traffic from Pinterest.

If I were to start a blog from scratch, and I want to get at least 100000 views every month. What strategies or steps would you recommend?

I would recommend choosing a niche that you’re super passionate and excited about, doing proper keyword research to find out what topics people are searching for, and writing in-depth, high-quality content that really addresses your target audience’s pain points or problems.

Keep in mind that the niche needs to be profitable and that’s where you have to do the research to see if there’s a market for your target audience. This will involve things like looking at the competition, analyzing which keywords are getting the most search volume, and seeing what types of products or services people are buying in that niche.

I like to use Ahrefs to do a bit of research by observing authoritative bloggers and magazine publishers. I get to see or guestimate where most of their traffic is coming from. On top of that, I like to hop onto Pinterest to see whether those authoritative blogs are getting traction on the platform too.

Once you have that foundation set up, I would recommend staying consistent with publishing new content regularly. This can be anywhere from 1 to 3 new posts per week, depending on your schedule. If you’re a total beginner, it’s okay to publish once a week to avoid blogger burnout. The key is being consistent while learning other aspects of blogging like monetization strategies, building an e-mail list, optimizing your content, collaborating with other bloggers (optional for beginners), and so on.

Overall, the most important thing is to stay consistent, focus on quality, and learn from other successful bloggers in your niche who have already found success.

For more Pinterest traffic hacks, along with the not-so-obvious ways to get more traffic from Pinterest, you can dive into The Golden Compass To Pinterest Traffic! Whether you’re a brand new blogger or someone who’s been dabbling with Pinterest but not seeing results, this guide will walk you through all of the essential steps you need to take to get more traffic from Pinterest.

If you were to start a new blog, how would you do it? You can discuss any mistakes or lessons learned too. 

If I were to start a new blog, which I actually did 9 months ago in a food niche, I would focus more on creating quality content that really resonates with my readers.

I would also spend more time doing keyword research for a very targeted niche and applying the blogging strategies I’ve learned over the years from my first two blogs.

In all honestly, I made so many mistakes. Too many to even name here, but one of the biggest blogging mistakes I made was not being aware that content creation is one of the most crucial things for your blog. Yes, I know this sounds kind of silly and a bit like common sense, but common sense isn’t very common!

I really struggled A LOT to write and publish blog posts with my first blog.

The funny thing is I was able to sustain my blog and earn over net six figures per year with all those mistakes. 

I look back and I’m very surprised that I survived and weathered the storms without having a lot of content on my first blog due to a very different path I took along with the various monetization strategies I implemented. But I wish I had known that content is king and always needs to be in focus. I always gave myself the excuse that “I’m not a good writer” and that “I don’t know how to write a great blog post”.

The truth is that even “B” material content can work (it doesn’t have to be “A+”), as long as you’re consistent and stay focused. Plus, you can always go back and make updates to improve your content – that’s what I’ve been doing this year.

So, I would also say one of my biggest lessons was not being consistent enough with publishing new content on a regular basis. I can now see that this has limited my growth in many ways. So if you’re starting out, I highly recommend developing a habit or schedule for writing and publishing new content on a regular basis.

You can learn some great tips on how to write a blog post fast in 60 minutes or less.

How do you make money online? What are your income streams? Do you have any monetisation tips for anyone who wants to start online?

I make money online with my blogs through affiliate marketing, display ads, and selling my own digital products including my signature course, The Golden Compass To Pinterest Traffic.

My tip for monetizing a blog is to focus on one traffic source and one monetization method before you dive off and implement more strategies. For example, when I was a new blogger, I was 100% focused on learning how to use Pinterest so that I can get traffic and implement display ads and affiliate marketing strategies.  

I did not focus on Google traffic, nor did I look into sponsored posts or create my own products. Those were things that I did after once I got the hang of blogging.

It took me a few to several months to earn my $100 dollars. That eventually turned into my first $1,000 once I was getting enough traffic to my site, which was a huge milestone for me and helped me gain the confidence to keep going.

Then, when I hit my 12th month of blogging, I earned my first $5,000 monthly income – I documented my blogging journey on Finsavvy Panda starting with my very first income report where I earned $700 in July 2018 to $20,000 in monthly income in my final blogging income report. In those reports, I shared my blogging lessons and mistakes learned (what I learned the hard way) throughout my earlier years.

What’s one thing that motivated you to keep working on your blog? A lot of bloggers quit too early or some, throughout their journey. What advice do you have for new and intermediate bloggers? 

To be very honest with you, there was no one there to motivate me.

The truth is that blogging can feel very lonely, especially in the beginning when no one knows who you are or what you’re doing.

I had family and friends who initially thought I had lost my mind for starting a blog thinking that it was going to make any money, so it really was just myself that I depended on for motivation and inspiration. The crazy part is they now ask me to help them start their blogs too so they can do what I did – quit their jobs!

During my journey, there were times when I wanted to pack up and quit but something inside of me kept telling me “what if you succeed?”. 

That little voice in my head kept reminding me that there is a huge possibility that I will never know what I’m truly capable of if I don’t give it a shot. That little voice eventually transformed into my true motivation and inspiration – and now, that’s what keeps me going every single day.

It was my love of learning and my passion for this work (and how much I disliked my day job) that motivated me to keep going, even when things got difficult or I wasn’t seeing any results. 

Ultimately, I knew that if I stuck with it and stayed consistent, the traffic would come in time. I also looked to other bloggers’ online stories who had achieved success as my source of motivation and inspiration – reading the different success stories and taking action helped me continue to grow as a blogger.

For new or intermediate bloggers, my advice would be to not get discouraged by the number of people who are making money online in just a few months of starting their blogs. 

Instead, focus on your own progress and keep pushing forward regardless of what other people are doing or how long it takes you to see results. 

And remember – no one wants to be a quitter! So stay focused, motivated, and inspired by remembering why you started in the first place.

And remember – no one wants to be a quitter! So stay focused, motivated, and inspired by remembering why you started in the first place.

To stay motivated all the time, I try to maintain a positive mindset and always be grateful for all that I have. 

I also make sure to set small, realistic goals and celebrate my wins, no matter how big or small they are.

What’s your favourite quote or saying? 

I love Warren Buffett, so my favorite saying is:

“The best investment you can make, is an investment in yourself. The more you learn, the more you’ll earn.”

“The best investment you can make, is an investment in yourself. The more you learn, the more you’ll earn.”

Aside from this inspirational quote, one of my favorite Bible verses is:

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

What are your thoughts on using social media for the purpose of building an audience? Do you think social media actually drives traffic?

Pinterest is considered to be a form of social media, so yes, I do use it to build an online presence and grow an audience. 

In fact, Pinterest was one of the main sources of traffic to my site before I learned how to use other marketing strategies like email marketing and Google SEO.

I definitely think that social media is a great tool for growing your traffic, as long as you’re using it strategically and in alignment with your overall goals for your blog or website.

I’ve found that Pinterest is a great source of organic traffic – but if you’re not using it the right way or targeting the right keywords or audience, then it won’t do much for your site. 

It will also depend on your blog’s niche as well as what types of blog posts you’re creating. Ideas, round-ups, recipes, DIYs, and anything that’s creative or inspirational tend to do well on Pinterest while “how tos”, the best of, and informational posts tend to do better on Google. But don’t take what I say here at face value because there are always exceptions depending on your strategy and other factors.

So while social media can definitely help drive traffic to your site and grow your audience, it’s important to understand how each platform works and which tools you should use to help achieve your goals.

For example, the audience on Pinterest will be different compared to people who search for things on Google. So if you want to promote your content on Google and rank higher, then investing time in SEO will help you get more visibility. 

And if Facebook or Instagram is where your audience hangs out the most, then using those platforms to grow your following will be a better use of your time.

What book(s) you recommend to bloggers, biz owners or hustlers to read?

One book I recommend business owners to read is The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. I love this book because it really teaches you how to work smarter and not harder, which is very important for business growth and finding more time to do what you love.

In fact, one of the main points in the book is about outsourcing, scaling, and automating processes. I can relate to this because it gets me thinking about how I can grow my blog’s traffic without having to deal with all the manual work and nitty-gritty details that come along with it.

How did you grow such a raving audience online? According to you, what is the best strategy for building & growing an audience?

One of the best strategies for growing an audience is by building relationships with other bloggers in your niche or industry, as well as influencers that you can interview or collaborate with to help spread awareness about your brand. 

This will help you not only grow your audience but also establish your credibility and authority in your niche.

Aside from this, I also think that having good customer service and building an engaged email list are key to growing your audience as well.

From my experience, almost 99% of the time, I’ve come across business owners who only focus on networking and getting their name out there with the big players in their industry that they forget about providing their audience with quality products and services. They also don’t offer that “personal” touch that their customers need, which can really hurt their brand and reputation in the long run.

While there are many strategies you can use to grow your audience, it’s also important to focus on providing value at all times so that you can build a strong relationship with your readers and turn them into loyal fans of your brand.

So by investing time in your email list, you’re actually building lasting relationships with the people who matter most – which then helps to convert visitors into daily readers as well.

Overall, there are many strategies that you can use to build an online following and grow your audience, but it really depends on what works best for your brand and the audience you want to target. 

It’s all about testing different strategies and seeing what resonates the most with your readers, so always be open to experimenting and trying new things along the way.

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If you were not a blogger, what would you be? 

This is actually a question my husband and I were talking about the other day. 

And we both agreed that if I wasn’t a blogger, then I’d probably be in some sort of real estate business because of my previous love for interior design and all things home decor. Plus, my husband loves to read about real estate and it crossed his mind many times to manage a portfolio of investment properties.

But now that we’re committed to building a small portfolio of blogs/websites, I wouldn’t look into other business ventures unless it’s related to the online world. 

I love blogging and helping others succeed in their own businesses so much that I can’t see myself doing anything else at this point!

Thank you so much Ling for giving us your time, and such helpful answers for SheMeansBlogging readers. It was lovely knowing you and your successful story on Pinterest. These tips will help other bloggers get more than 100000 pageviews from Pinterest. You can learn more about Ling on Finsavvy Panda.

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