Get a Self Hosted WordPress Blog if You Want to Make Money Blogging

Show me one successful blog, just one, that isn’t self-hosted… nothing? Guess what, to be successful and make money blogging you need to go self-hosted WordPress and in this post, we will see why going self-hosted WordPress is so important, what going self-hosted means, and how to make the initial investment so small that you won’t even realize it. 

Trust me, if you want to start making some real money with your blog, you absolutely need a self-hosted WordPress blog. So, let’s jump right in!

But before we get started, let me clarify a couple of things.

Although I have worked as a lawyer specializing in International and EU Law (LLB, LLM, PhD) for over 15 years and helped more than 30,000 bloggers and online entrepreneurs create their blog legal pages and policies with my plug-and-play legal templates, free legal templates, online courses, an affordable legal bundle for bloggers, and an affordable legal bundle for online business owners, this article is meant for informational and educational purposes only. 

It does not constitute legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. I will not be held liable for any damages or losses caused by acting or failing to act on the grounds of the content of this article. Should your circumstances require, I encourage you to seek legal advice through other avenues. Please read my full disclaimer for further information.

This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please see our full disclosure for further information. If not otherwise stated, all prices are intended in US$.

If you’re in a rush at the moment, don’t sweat it! You can always download this post as a PDF and come back to these tips on the importance of going self hosted later.


Start Self-Hosted WordPress From the beginning

First, let me share what happens when you don’t kickstart your blog with self-hosted WordPress. Let me tell you my own story. I started my first blog when I needed a creative outlet to cope with some fertility struggles my husband and I were going through. 

Back then, I wasn’t too concerned about where my blog was hosted; I just wanted to write and be creative. So, I went with Squarespace. I was drawn to its aesthetics and the fact that everything was pretty much set up. To be honest, it wasn’t even a cost-saving decision, because Squarespace was a bit on the pricey side.

But right from the get-go, I regretted my choice. It was so frustrating. Whenever I had questions or wanted to figure out how to do something, I couldn’t find any Squarespace-specific guidance. It seemed like the entire internet was buzzing with information, and you can probably guess why. 

Yep, all those successful bloggers were rocking self-hosted WordPress and naturally, that’s what they talked about. I couldn’t access most plugins or tools, and I had to find workarounds for things that WordPress bloggers were taking for granted.

But, back then, it wasn’t a big deal because my blog was just a hobby. But then, something incredible happened; I made money through my blog. Sounds great, right? Well, not quite. That’s when it hit me that I could turn this into a real business. But here’s the kicker: I’d already learned that if I wanted to make money blogging, I needed to go self-hosted.

So, that’s what I did. And let me tell you, it was a nightmare. We had to deal with domain transfers, DNS propagation, migrating content, redirecting URLs, revamping the website, and a laundry list of other issues. In the process, we lost most of our comments, some shares, and our domain and page authority took a hit, along with our Alexa ranking and a good chunk of our traffic. And I have to say, Squarespace is an excellent platform.

Now, free platforms like, Blogger, Wix etc have even more substantial limitations compared to Squarespace. So if you’re on one of those, you’re likely to want to migrate to self-hosted WordPress at some point. But trust me, you don’t want to go through the pain of a migration. The more content you have, the more problems can pop up during the switch.

So, the bottom line is, start with self-hosted WordPress from the get-go.

I get it, money can be a concern in the beginning, but later in this post, I’m going to show you how to get started in the most budget-friendly way possible.

Before we dive into the details, let me make one thing crystal clear: this post is tailored exclusively for those who are dead-set on turning their blogs into money-making machines. If your blog is simply a hobby, then this might not be the right path for you. 

But, if your aim is to craft a blog that rakes in profits, then you’re in the right place, so keep reading.

What Does Self-Hosting Mean

So what does self-hosted even mean?

Going self-hosted means that you need to sign up for a hosting plan with a web hosting provider. You choose a company that specializes in hosting websites on their servers. After signing up with a hosting provider and obtaining a domain (if needed), you configure your website by installing your chosen content management system (CMS), such as WordPress, on your hosting account. You can then customize your website, add content, and manage it.

It means you’re getting your own little piece of the internet. Here’s the deal: You sign up with a web hosting company, experts at looking after websites, and they provide the space to make your website live online.

Now, I get it, it can sound a bit techy and puzzling at first,  No sweat, understanding this concept can be tricky, especially when you’re just starting out. It’s common for new bloggers to find it a bit confusing.

In fact, when I told Marina we needed to go self-hosted she couldn’t quite grasp the concept at first. So, I told her to think of web hosting like owning a parking space in a parking garage. When you acquire your own web hosting service, it’s like having your own dedicated parking space in the garage.

In this parking garage analogy, the hosting company is like the garage management. They own and maintain the garage (the server), and you’ve reserved your parking space (your hosting plan) within it. You have control over your parking space; you can customize it, decide which car to park, and when to use it.

And once she understood, or at least I thought so, she asked, but why? 

So let’s see why.

But first, if you want to learn more about how to start a blog and make money blogging then make sure you click the below because I have a free guide that will dive deeper into how to create your own blog and get you started.

BNB Fast TrackBNB Fast Track

This guide will walk you through the blueprint I used to start my blog that turned into a multiple six-figure business, and comes with in-depth strategies, assignments, and tons of actionable tips, so you don’t want to miss out. Check it out for FREE here.

Why You Need to Go Self-hosted WordPress if You Want to Make Money Blogging

Back to why you need to go Self-hosted WordPress if you want to make money blogging.

Firstly, using the garage analogy again, If you own your parking space you have control over your parking space; you can customize it, decide which car to park, and when to use it.

Now, imagine an alternative scenario: using a free hosting platform is like parking your car in a shared, public parking area. You don’t have your dedicated space, and you’re subject to the rules and restrictions set by the garage management. You can’t personalize your parking spot or make it truly yours.

So, you can fully customize your self-hosted website, including its appearance and functionality. This allows you to create a unique and engaging user experience that resonates with your audience.

But that’s not all. Self-hosted websites tend to look more professional, which can be crucial for attracting potential partners and advertisers. It gives the impression that you’re serious about your online presence. Self-hosted blogs give you greater flexibility when it comes to monetization. You can use various ad networks, sell your products or services, and implement diverse income streams. 

Brands often prefer to collaborate with self-hosted blogs and websites due to the higher level of control and professionalism they offer. Self-hosted sites are more scalable and can handle increased traffic without restrictions or extra costs. This is crucial for growth and increased income potential.

So, in short, going self-hosted empowers you with more control, customization, and opportunities to optimize your website for success in the realms of search engines, monetization, affiliate marketing, brand deals, and more. 

Keep reading because I don’t want you to make the same mistake that lots of bloggers make at the start,

Get a self hosted WordPress blog if you want to make real money bloggingGet a self hosted WordPress blog if you want to make real money blogging

The Differences Between and

On to the mistake that most new bloggers make, 

I know what some of you might be thinking, ‘Hey, I’m on WordPress, I’m good to go.’ But hold on a sec, let’s double-check. Are you on self-hosted WordPress? Because if you’re on, you might be on the wrong platform.

I understand, some of you might be paying to have your blog on WordPress, but that doesn’t automatically make you self-hosted. It’s easy to get a bit tangled up, especially when you’re just starting out in the blogging world. 

The lines between and, and between self-hosted and Premium WordPress can get a little blurry. 

While is what you want to use in combination with your web host to go self-hosted, is a blogging platform where you can host your blog for free but comes with with several limitations. In other words, is the shared, public parking area.

The source of confusion often stems from the fact that offers paid plans like Premium, Business, and VIP. While these plans do allow some level of monetization, they come at a high cost and still come with limitations that might not align with your full monetization goals.

For example, if you’re on the free plan of, there are certain things you can’t do. You can’t install AdSense or other ad networks – you’re limited to displaying ads from their AdWords network. Also, you can’t run a full-fledged affiliate marketing blog on, meaning your primary content can’t solely aim to drive traffic to other sites for sales.

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t use occasional affiliate links if your blog provides lots of valuable content. WordPress officially allows exceptions, particularly for things like book or product reviews.

Beyond these restrictions, comes with other limitations. You can’t install plugins or use Google Analytics unless you’re on the Business plan, which costs a whopping $299 a year – and honestly, that’s pretty steep and not usually worth it for most bloggers.

One more point to clarify for new bloggers: Blogs on will initially have web addresses like If you decide to buy a custom domain, such as, while staying on, it’s essential to understand that this doesn’t equate to being self-hosted.

In this case, you’ve merely acquired a custom domain, but all the limitations mentioned earlier, in terms of customization and monetization, will still be in effect.

Let’s make it clear. Going self-hosted for monetizing your blog is a smart move, and it’s a no-brainer. If you want to make money blogging you need to invest in your blog. You can start with the smallest investment by choosing the perfect host for new bloggers. Let’s see how.

Legally Blogs 1Legally Blogs 1

Choose the Right Host for YOUR Blog

I totally get it; when you’re just starting, shelling out big bucks on expensive courses or blogging tools might not be on your radar. But here’s the deal: starting on self-hosted WordPress is an absolute must, and it’ll save you from major headaches down the road.

Now, here’s the good news – the investment we’re talking about here is small. You can kickstart a blog for as little as $2.95 a month. So, yes, it’s $40 a year but it’s not too much in the grand scheme of things. Especially when you think about how much it usually costs to launch a brick-and-mortar store or any other kind of business.

And here’s the icing on the cake: since we’re in this to create a money-making blog, odds are you’ll recoup that initial investment within the first month, possibly even the first week. So, it’s not just money spent; it’s a smart investment in your blogging future.

So, my recommendation is to go with Bluehost and kickstart your blog on self-hosted WordPress.

Is Bluehost the absolute best hosting provider out there? No! But it’s hands down the best host for new bloggers. You see, when you’re just starting, you don’t need all the bells and whistles of advanced features.

The beauty of Bluehost is that it allows you to embark on your self-hosted blog journey with minimal upfront investment. You can always level up or switch to another host down the road. But the crucial part is to begin on the right foot, which means starting with a self-hosted blog on And for that, Bluehost stands out as a solid, budget-friendly choice. It’s like the gateway to self-hosting, especially if you’re working with a tight budget.

Plus, the domain name is included for free in the Bluehost plan so you will save even more.

Bluehost also comes with a free SSL certificate, which is essential for website security, and free email addresses.

You can read our full review of Bluehost here.

Now, you remember that at the beginning of this video, I mentioned that this was all you needed for a successful blog, but I might have stretched the truth a bit. Read this post next to find out what else can make or break your blog. 

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Get a Self Hosted WordPress Blog if You Want to Make Money BloggingGet a Self Hosted WordPress Blog if You Want to Make Money Blogging


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